Happy Birthday Ayah

Text: Lyana Zakaria Today is Ayah's 50th birthday. Reminiscing my saturdate memories with Ayah while waiting for Ibu finishing her works. We spent our time exploring Jalan TAR before Tun Abdullah Badawi gave us cuti on Sabtu. As I have grown up, things got complicated. I have had this kind of feeling like I hate you but I love you. That is when my rebellion phase started. Ibu said we are very alike. Well other than our looks, maybe our habit and behaviour are quite same except for our gender. Besides that, Ibu and Hakeem are always jealous with mebe because you kind of always favor me.For instance, I didn't get scolded like they did when I did something wrong. They even said when it comes to me, everything will be 'takpe'. I think I have disappoint you on so many level especially during my rebellious time and I'm very sorry for what I have done for all these years. Happy birthday Ayah. Those 50 years you had was quite adventurous I...