Role Model

Everyone have their own dreams . Dream as high as you can but you have to work hard for it or else it would be another fantasies of yours. Haha ! Well my dreams is to be a doctor and become a specialist and then join the army OR The Mercy Malaysia . I'd read an article on a website said that doctor profession is not a good choice for womens because it will lead you to a destruction of family instituition. If you have a husband and you spend your most time in the hospital then your husband found someone else who can be at home all the time to treat their husband better . So you can't blame your husband for finding a new wife for him. Besides that , if you have childrens and they need your attentions as a parent . Childrens are the best gift that Allah give us and we need to take care of them with loves and careness to show Allah how grateful we are. Childrens are innocent , full of curiousity , active , a quick learners and very pure . So we should show them loves and careness so they'll grow up with love and careness and be a loving and caring person in the future. So for that writer children might not getting the attention if womens choose to be a doctor. I dont know what to say but why dont we just leave it to Allah . Allah knows everything better . Lots of doctors out there are married too and they're still happy with their families for exmple Dr. Muhaya. Ada orang mengatakan 'perempuan kalau belajar tinggi mana pun tetap kedapur juga' . Itu memang betul tetapi biarlah perempuan ini berilmu sikit . Supaya kita tak mudah ditipu . Mens should be proud of your wives . One more thing , walaupun kitorang ke dapur , yang top scorer pun perempuan . Boleh bilang jelah bilangan lelaki sekarang ni . #maaf kalau terkasar bahasa . English saya memang haprak . So kalau ada hamba Allah yang sudi membantu english saya lebih baik maka tinggalkan komentar anda di bawah ;)

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