Ustaziatul Alam

As salamu alaikum,  It has been 2 months (err..or maybe more) I didn't update my blog. So, Izzayyukum? Ana? Alhamdulillah.. Ana quwayyisah. So, I've left my blog for a long time and there's a lot of thing to share so I'll summarize it, okay? Last Winter Break, I only had a chance to go to Cairo. It's one of the spectacular thing ever happen in Winter for me BECAUSE I went to the one of the biggest book fair in the world! heee ;) There were lot of books from A-Z . You can find varies of genre there such as religions,scientific, fiction or non fiction  BUT I don't have much money to buy all the books that I wanted to.. I only bought GRAY'S ANATOMY  huhuhu.. (Banyak sangat buku Medicines and harga susah nak jumpa angka kecil) Next year, I'll bring triple from last time. haha..

So that's what happened in Ma9rod( book fair).. Actually what made my holiday more amazing is we went to MAKAM of Imam-Imam and one of it is Makam Imam Syafie. People said that if we pray at the makam, there's no barrier between you and ALLAH and it'll make it easier for Allah the Greatest to answer our Du'a. You can pray as much as you want to. Pray whatever you want, Mumtaz in examination or maybe a good husband?? (Oops, Ibu mesti shock ni ;P ) In Shaa Allah, Allah will listen to you. Actually, it's not just about Allah will listen to our Du'a, it's about knowing our deen, اسلام . Visiting the makams, I think it did help me know my religion better. It makes me happy because I'm proud of what Islam had last time and sad because that Victory is no longer belong to us, MUSLIMS. Ever since I arrived in Egypt,  I've been told how great ISLAM was long time ago.. How Islam conquered 2/3 of this Fana world, How muslimin and muslimat living in peace, How they protected AD- DEEN Allah with confidence without any doubts, How they loved our Prophet,Muhammad SAW and How they'd been so confidence about Allah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim ..Allahu Akbar.

Living in Egypt changed my minds. Especially about the cultures that had been practiced by the arabians.

  1. Firstly, when we walk to gamaah (University) we pass through some people right? Sometimes ammu(uncles) or tant(aunties) or maybe jaddah(grandma) they'll teguq kami with "Assalamualaikum" . 
  2. They really take the hukum2 syarak very serious. If they tried to cheat on you, try to remind them that it is haram. They'll give back your haq.
  3. Once they heard azan, they'll close their restaurants or shops to perform their prayer jamaah with others at mosque.
  4. The way arabian women dressing. Wow! Vogue gitu. Allahu Akbar! Most of them wears tight dress and that makes me ashamed. Also, they'd taught me not to wear tight dress anymore. 
  5. The way arabian women perform their prayer. They didn't wear any telekung like us, Malaysian always does. That one I followed. Why? Because it never says that wearing telekung is WAJIB as long as you wear something mengikut syarat sah solat you can perform your solat with your dress. It really help me in saving my times. I think I'm going to apply this in Malaysia too.
  6. Nak belajar mendalami agama kita sinilah tempatnya. Mesir.Sekarang sedang belajar menyebut makhraj huruf. Bersanad and sedang menghafaz juzuk 30.. In Shaa Allah. Please pray for me Mumtaz for my examination.
  7. Never ever expect something high if you are in Egypt because you might regret it one day.
Lastly, what's really obvious is  Ukhuwah between muslims are very strong. UKHUWAH FI ALLAH. You know when I first arrived in Mansoura, I saw two men were holding hands. At first I feel like 'geli-geli' you know. But then I think it's kinda sweetla pulak sebab kalau kita sayang kawan kita, kita akan pegang tangan dia sekuat-kuat hati so that dia dekat dengan kita and selamat dengan kita kan?Besides that, they always help each other and respecting each other... especially women..they respect women. However, that bond didn't applied in every muslims in this Dunya yang Fana. WHY ? WHY ? .... (renung-renungkan) Islam taught us to be a Big Family but what are we doing right now?......When can we get back our Ustaziatul Alam?? Allahu Akbar...

TO BE CONTINUED......        As salamu Alaikum


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