Teacher's Day

I had my MCQ paper yesterday and it was like..............!@!@!#$%$*????
Only Allah knew how I felt
My next paper is Essay.... this Saturday..

Please do pray for me :) promote diri la pulak

Tapi takpe doa sesama muslim :)
Okay takpelah pasal tu.. dah lepas pun.. now I wanna talk about Teacher's day ! Yeay! Selamat Hari Guru buat semua guru yang pernah mengajar saya. Semoga Allah memberkati hidupmu setiap saat. Guru merupakan antara insan yang paling mulia di atas muka bumi Allah ni sebab  they share their knowledge with us young people who is trying to understand this Fana2 world. I'm so grateful to Allah because He gave me the chance to go to school to seek for knowledge how to survive in His World..

One of the closest teacher I have is my Mom and Dad. Yup, they'd taught a lot of things to me how to live as a Muslim and Mu2min.

They help me a lot especially when dealing with problems. Ayah taught me how to be more proactive, brave, observant and think wisely. Ibu taught me how to be a Muslim woman :)
Alhamdulillah, I was raised in a good family :') Love them so much.

 Tiba-tiba teringat something.
Night before my Physics paper, suddenly I forgot everything that I've learnt before and I got panicked because I'm afraid I'll get an 'E' for that paper. It was 11++ pm at that time and my mum already slept. Then, I woke my mum up then I cried and said, " Along tanak ambik exam esok ibu. Huhuhu~" . My mum got shocked and she said " Dah, tak payah belajar. Pergi tidur, relax and dengar surah yassin. Tak payah pikir pasal 'blackout' tu."

So, i did as my mum told me to and the next day, everybody were holding their books,still trying....but me? Pekakkan telinga and do nothing. I put my trust on My Creator and I believe He'll help me out because I've worked for it and the 'blackout' is just one of His test for me. and I got b+ for my physics ...

5 Amanah's girls with my English teacher :)
my school :)
took it from FB heh~

Entrepreneur day 2010

6 Baiduri 2006.
So classic..
saya masih budak hingusan .
and now here I am in Egypt :')

Thank you guys for the 'gula memori' . Miss you guys so much :)


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