
Text: Lyana Zakaria

After long time, this is my first post since i got back to Egypt, my second home. 

Things happened, some might amazed you, some might scared you and some might don't give you any feels at all. Haha. Being in Egypt is a blessed actually. Most Malaysian outside Egypt would say that Egypt is not a peace country like ever? Why? Because Egyptian always fights what is best for them. El Jihad in them is very admirable actually and I got to see it with my own eyes. I mean eventhough it is a one way street but there is two car opposing each other to pass through it, both of them will fight for who go first and in the end they both got stuck and causes jammed. Haha. Sabor jela. Pejalan kaki macam kita pun sakit hati melihatnya. 

That is Egyptian which you can say most are likely. However, there are some of Malaysian yang perangai macam-macam. Nak tak nak kena sabor jela. Kat sini kita lebih banyak bergaul dengan orang sebab siapa lagi kita nak minta tolong kalau bukan orang Melayu. As Maher Zain have said before we are one big family. It is good to know people around you. The more you make friends, the more you will gain knowledges. But sometimes, getting to know them made you a little bit disappointed because they didn't go as you have expected. Everyone have their first impression that makes everyone label you. So, in this case, NEVER judge books by its cover. Haha. 

Pepatah melayu ada menyebut, rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. Walaupun kita mempunyai rambut yang sama warna dan rupa hampir serupa tetapi perangai berbeza. Itulah rahmat Allah. Besarnya kuasa Allah. Ramai macam mana pun adik-beradik kita, perangai masing-masing tetap berbeza. Berbeza perangai, berbeza pendapat ini kadang boleh membawa kepada pergaduhan, perselisihan faham jika diambil terlalu serius. Orang tu nasihat orang ni, orang ni tak suka diarah, orang sana buat tatau dan orang sini jadi mangsa. Haha (gambaran sahaja untuk pemahaman)

So, for your own sake, eventhough one of your friend just ignored what you've just said doesn't mean you have to hate he/her directly. Reflect yourself again. What I am trying to say here is people respond to you. It's how you treat them. Don't blame them. So reflect again okay. 
Thank you. 

P/S: Mesir. You can never find a place better than Egypt. Peace y'all. 


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