Buat Baik dibalas Baik, Buat Jahat Jangan Sesekali

Today we had a closing ceremony for Ahlan Misr program. The tentative were supposed to end about 20:20 (Egypt Time) however we decided to get home earlier because .... (errr) but hey, we are not alone because there is also a bunch of Malaysian do the same thing. So we went back home. Di sinilah cerita bermula. As we walk to the gate, it was locked. We had to wait for a while until one of the Egyptian took the key from the guard. Then, a Malaysian girl told us to use another gate because she said that usually at that time the Istad (stadium) gate will be lock . Since we don't know anything about that so we just follow that girl and her friends. Sambil berjalan, kami bersembang dan menikmati Mansurah padda waktu malam . Setibanya kami di depan pintu gamaah (Universiti) tiba-tiba terdetik di hati  'ini macam pintu gamaah depan GALA'A je..' Memang betullah sangkaanku . Aku ternampak pakcik kebab yang haritu tu .
Pak cik Kebab haritu
Shawarma sebelum dibuka

Shawarna Lahma Haritu
So berjalan jauhlah kitorang. Sebelum sampai rumah kitorang akan melalui jalan depan pintu Istad Gamaah. Guess what? When we passed by the route, jyeahh ! the gate was opened ! itu tak apa lagi . Dah sampai depan rumah, we have to climb up the stairs since the elevator tak siap dibina lagi. Panjat punya panjat, sampai rumah TAKDE AIR pula ! Itulah orang kata, buat jahat jangan sesekali. Inilah balasan yang Allah bagi pada kami yang meninggalkan majlis ilmu. Jadi, tak mahu orang lain terkena macam saya maka ambillah iktibar daripada story saya tadi. Now kitorang semua sedang menelaah buku. Insya Allah, selepas ini it will never happen again. Assalamualaikum ..

P/S: tolonglah ambil perhatian dan iktibar daripada cerita di atas.


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