
Stress is not a strange word for everybody unless we are children. Everybody will experience this but in a different situation. As a student we always get stressed when we feel like we are unable to do as people expected us to do. Have you ever felt that? I always get stressed when people around me are so intelligent and they even can explain it back to me exactly like my lecturer. Ya Allah, rasa macam nak ketuk je kepala ni sebab pemalas sangat. But my mum said semua orang ada cara tersendiri untuk belajar. So you don't have to be so stress about being too slow to update yourself. Sometimes if you work so hard and you forget that Allah is the Greatest and the fact that HE can control everything and you forgot to ask for his help it is worthless when something bad happen on that day.

Solat Sunat Istikharah
Sebagai manusia biasa yang penuh dengan emosi yang Allah beri, saya memang cepat emosi dan ceat putus asa. Namun begitu, Ibu always remind me that Allah is everything. Ibu taught me how to handle my stress. Apa-apa pun semuanya kita patah balik kepada Allah. Allah jalan penyelesaian kita yang utama. Allah tempat kita mengadu masalah kita, DIA lebih tahu segalanya jadi ibu ingatkan saya supaya jangan lupa mendirikan solat sunat istikharah. Ramai yang berpendapat solat sunat istikharah hanya dilakukan ketika kita ada kekeliruan dalam memilih jodoh. Pemikiran sebegini harus dibuang jauh-jauh. I think solat sunat istikharah is very crucial for everybody because solat sunat as we know it can get us closer to Allah and istikharah is done to ask for a clue for any problems and confusions you had in your daily life.

Besides doing istikarah, we are advised to tawakkal to Allah. Before doing anything, we should tawakkal to Allah for the best and Insya Allah everything will be well. People always get the wrong idea of tawakkal. People always thought that after we have done something barulah kita bertawakkal kepada Allah. For example, before examination you have studied so hard and the next day you answered the question suddenly there is a question that we didn't revised come out, so you hentam  and then you tawakkal to Allah,"berserah sahaja pada Allah, aku dah buat semua yang patut". Na-uh. It should be done like this. Before you start your reading, "Ya Allah, saya bertawakkal padamu. Ya Allah engkau lebih tahu soalan esok macam mana. Susah atau senang, Ya Allah permudahkanlah saya menjawab soalan exam esok. Ameen." Then you start your reading and on the examination day, "Ya Allah, saya berserah padamu sekali lagi dan saya memohon yang terbaik daripadamu." and same situation like above and terdetik dihati "Astaghfirullahalazim. Ya Allah semalam memang dah terdetik di hati nak baca tapi kita tak baca. Macam mana ni Ya Allah? Berikanlah aku petunjuk-MU Ya Allah. Pinjamkanlah ilmuMU Ya Allah untuk hambaMu yang kerdil dan lemah ini." Insya Allah, Allah will help us. Kita bukannya tak belajar cuma kita lupa. Kita kan manusia sering lupa dan lalai kan? Itulah yang saya faham tentang tawakkal. Jika salah betulkan.

I still remember I got stressed night before Physics paper. My head is blank when I read the question in my exercise book. I can't even remember anything that i have learnt and read before this. I got panicked and I cried, "Ibu, esok along tanak ambik paper Physics. I tak ingat apa-apa pun yang along dah baca. Macam mana along nak jawab exam esok? Nanti along fail ibu. Along tanak ambik exam esok,bu."
Actually my mum was in sleep and I woke her up. She was suprised seeing me crying and she tried to calm me down. She told me to listen to Surah Yassin and rest my mind; don't ever look at the book again because that time i was having my menstrual so she said maybe شيطان is trying to make you feel down and give up. The next day, I answered with peacefully and Alhamdulillah I got a B+ for Physics. It is better then I skipped the paper, right? Al-Quran is the best medicine in the world. Try to make it as a habit for you.

This is my opinion and if there is anything wrong please tell me and i will take it to improve myself to be a better person.

Thank you for your time and Assalamualaikum.


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