
Text: Lyana Zakaria

رمضان kareem is about to end. 
And I'm stuck in my daydream like ed sheeran said.

الله اكبر

Am i gonna let this slip away just like that?
This is like one and only chances i had. 
Who knows you'll die right after Ramadan?

And you've missed the chances you have  during your lifetime to enjoy your عبادة to الله. 

Bukankah itu merugikan kita?

Tazkirah for today is..

From a hadith from رسول الله:

There is one man who was very pious and he left a will to his family to burn his body and crushes his bones and divide into two. One throw it into البحر (sea) and another one onto land. 

However, Allah's power is beyond us. He connected the land and the sea therefore, the two crushed bones meet together in between the land and the sea. 

Allah ask the man why did he left a will to  his family to do such things.

And, he answered " ana akhuf. (I'm afraid). Afraid to your النار (hell), Ya Allah. The tortured that i'll be facing. I don't do a lot of عبادة to you. I don't know whether I can stand the hotness (harr) of your hell. So, I punish myself first as a preparation to go to your النار, Ya Allah. "

This is how ulama' thinks when they died. They thought they'll go to hell. What about us? 

Have we ever think about that?
Have you?
Have I?

So, back to the story. Allah forgive him and he get to go to الجنة .

Allah itu Maha Pengampun. 
Dia akan terima kita walau sejahat mana kita dulu.
Never give up till jannah ;) 

And please do share this to your friends out there ;) 
Thank you


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