
Text: Lyana Zakaria 

I don't know what to write but I'm following my mum's advice. Make a post everyday. Yeah! My mum now a little advance compared to me because my mum is a blogger tutor for beginners. So she's giving all the tips to me for Freee.
Hahaha. She is good. Becoming a tutor makes her becomes more active in social  network. Sometimes it annoyed me because she's too busy with her phone until one time you realized that you're talking alone like Forever Alone? Haha sorry ibu ;) 

But anyway, it's one of the alternative for her to raise some money for us(me and my two little brothers).

So I support her. I've tried to promote everything that she sells in the network but no respond. Maybe because I'm not a hot stuff in schools so people ignore my facebook status? Hrmm..

 A little bit disappointed with myself because I couldn't help her. But at least, I've tried, right?

Just keep going, Lyana. Go,go,go !

Bieber once said "Never say Never". 

Assalamualaikum and thank you for reading my blog. May Allah bless you ;)

Here is my mum's blog


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