
Text: Lyana Zakaria

When it comes to Ramadan Kareem, things that appear in my mind is food. Why? because my mum will come out with something special, something that you couldn't find out there. 

I've been raised by three super women in my life. Ibu, Wan and Mak. Their cooks are the best. Whenever I go and eat someone else's cook, I found that their cooks are still the best. 

However, Wan and Mak have left me. They'd passed away. Wan passed away about 8 years ago while Mak about 4 months ago.

Before I flied to Egypt last year, I met Mak and she kept repeating that maybe we didn't have a chance to meet again. And yes, it is true. She passed away when I'm still in Egypt. 

Mak asked me to buy her a fridge magnet from Egypt as a souvenier.

So last May, I went to Cairo after my final exam for shopping and I bought the fridge magnet that Mak asked for. Although I already knew she had passed away but somehow when I saw the fridge magnet suddenly I forgot that she had left me.

Setelah saya tiba di Malaysia, I told my mum that I bought a fridge magnet for Mak and then I realized that i bought a fridge magnet for someone who has gone. 

I'm a bit disappointed actually because I never had a chance to ask for forgiveness and say thank you for raising me and see her face for the last time. 

That's about Mak.

Now, lets talk about Wan.
Wan is my grandmother. She's loving and very soft spoken. Wan always been cool. She never been angry. In the evening, she'll bring us to mini market and bought us toys and played with us. As I told you before she's a good cook. One of our favourite dishes is Bubur and Singgang Ikan during school holiday. 


I missed them so much and I missed their cooks.
Till today I still cannot believe that they're actually gone.

Our favourite (y)

Mak's cooks:
Kari ayam
Ayam kurma
Kerang rebus
Ikan masak cili hijau
Ikan masak cuka
And sambal belacan

Wan's cooks:
Ikan garam
Asam pedas
Laksa kuah putih
Bubur lambok
And of course
Kuih tradisional

Salam ramadan from me.

P/s: i know my english are bad and I'm not good with words. So please help me to improved it. 

Thank you ;)


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