Hari ini.

Text: Lyana Zakaria

Today is the 11th day of Ramadan. 

And today I managed to qiamulail . 

So today, supposedly the plan is to go to PKNS for shopping however, Hakeem have a class today so we cancelled the plan. 

Our plan today is to make blueberry cheese tart. 
Ibu just bought a new tart maker. 
She's so excited to use it.

So last but not least,
" if you ever get angry with someone, our Prophet Muhammad SAW had left some tips. There are three steps. Firstly, change your positions. If you're standing, then sit down. If you're sitting, lay down. Secondly, perform your ablution(وضوء) . Thirdly, drink a cold water. Nabi Muhammad SAW said that anger comes from satan and satan are made from fire. It means the anger is from fire so to put it down we should use water, right? In shaa Allah it will help you decrease your anger. 

Oh! One more thing, during anger our heartbeat increases. Heartbeat increases due to low concentration of oxygen in body so take a deep breathe to supply oxygen to the heart. This will help you to decrease the heartbeat and in shaa allah the anger will disappear.

Thank you all. 
#ramadan #ustaz #doktor #mumtaz #medicine #tips


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